Why You Should Eat Water Melon

Why You Should Eat Water Melon

As summer is approaching and we need to beat the heat. That scorching sun those sweaty palms, is something we extremely hate. Hydrat; that is the key! to keep you alive,we have a collection of summer sippers and delights and Watermelon is one of them.
Besides beating heat watermelon has many other benefits, like for pregnant women, for skin and hair care, Cancer prevention, heart health etc. we will discuss few of them as below;

  • It benefits pregnant women by leading to fairer newborn children.
  • It is replacement for water in take because watermelon has about 90% water.
  • watermelon is rich in nutrients.Every juicy bite has significant levels of vitamins A,B6 and C, losts of lycopene,antioxidants and amino acids.
  • watermelon is rich with amino acid citrulline,which converts to amino acid arginine this conversion promote blood flow leading to cardiovascular health and improved circulation.
  • watermelon is also rich with fibre which helps in proper digestion of food'
  • It contains vitamin A which helps in keep skin and hair moisturized.
  • Drinking watermelon juice before an intense workout helps reduce next-day muscle soreness and heart rate.
  • Watermelon may be helpful in reducing the risk of cancer through their antioxidant properties.
Why You Should Eat Water Melon

Why You Should Eat Water Melon Why You Should Eat Water Melon Reviewed by Arif ATCO on 13:11 Rating: 5

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