Controlling Stress Through Time Management for Good Mental And Physical Health

Controlling Stress Through Time Management for Good Mental And Physical Health

In order to have good mental and physical health a person should control his stress level.There are lot of activities which can be used to control stress,time management is one of those activities.Because in most cases stess is result of failure to manage time, which result in distortion of person's health.Individuals who can manage their time can manage their stress well.

The following time management techniques can be used to reduce stress.

Prepare the list of all tasks to be performed on a day.
Delegation of work to subordinates can be a fruitful technique in managing stress.
Shift to most challenging work to the most productive period of the day.
If you have some thing most important to do, then utilize break time to comlete that work.
let your junior staff receive incoming calls. After their screening you should receive only relevant calls.
Individuals should not have and eye contact with drop-in visitors at office

If you follow above procedures it is certain that you will be having good mental and physical health.
Controlling Stress Through Time Management for Good Mental And Physical Health

Controlling Stress Through Time Management for Good Mental And Physical Health Controlling Stress Through Time Management for Good Mental And Physical Health Reviewed by Arif ATCO on 09:57 Rating: 5

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