Simple DIY Baking Soda Face Mask To Fight Acne

Simple DIY Baking Soda Face Mask To Fight Acne

If you have a acne problem let's try this simple DIY activity at home.It is simple activity you do not need a lot of ingredients to prepare this mask .All you need is small amount of Backing Soda and little amount of water.

Procedure to make Mask;
put some water in a cup and add at-least half tea spoon of baking soda to it stir with a spoon or with your finger.

After preparing the paste simple apply on your face with your fingers gently. keep it on your face for 5 to 10 minutes and then wash with cold water.After removing the mask apply any moisturizing cream to your face If you have oily skin keep the mask on face for extra time and if you have dry skin remove the mask early. Use this tip for few days and you will get results.

Simple DIY Baking Soda Face Mask To Fight Acne

Simple DIY Baking Soda Face Mask To Fight Acne Simple DIY Baking Soda Face Mask To Fight Acne Reviewed by Arif ATCO on 10:46 Rating: 5

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