Good Habits to live healthy lifestyle

Good Habits to live healthy lifestyle
Health is an important asset for everyone but unfortunately due to busy and high stressed world health has gone to the bottom of To-do-List of people.
But in-order to be happy, development of healthy lifestyle should be priority of everyone.
Here i am compiling and presenting you some helpful tips, hopefully they will help you in building healthy lifestyle. 

  • Add garlic to your diet to spice up the taste, It also improves your circulatory system and overall well-being.

  • Eat breakfast on daily basis with in thirty minutes of wake up and fill your breakfast with healthy items like fruit

  • Do not eat same-thing continuously for long period of time,control your daily intake. to do this keep food journal and write down every thing you eat, in this way you can control your weight.

  •  If you are overweight and having a heart disease or cancer, one cup of green tea a day can help you loss weight and overcome heart disease and cancer.

  • Use coconut oil as a skin moisturizer 

  • spend time with family and friends, paint a picture, take a nap, chew a piece of gum this will help you forget your worries and you will feel stress-less.

  • Go to sleep same time each night and get up early in the morning same time (including weekends and Sundays).

Good Habits to live healthy lifestyle

Good Habits to live healthy lifestyle Good Habits to live healthy lifestyle Reviewed by Arif ATCO on 13:33 Rating: 5

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