Primary Eye Care

Primary Eye Care
How clear is your vision? This depends upon how much you take care of your eyes. As everyone knows that eyes are the precious gift from God.So one should know how to take care of gifts, if he does not, he must be aware of   possible diseases he may get.When we talk about eye care we actually talk about "primary eye care" primary eye care means taking care of eyes before we get a disease or an infection. Million of people have eye problems every year. If we do not protect ours properly we can also face primary eye problems like Hyperopia, Hypermetropia, allergy, infection, watering of eyes and Astigmatism and eye related other problems like Headache etc. We can avoid many eye problems by following these simple tips.

Few Awesome Easy eye care TIPS are;

  • Eyes should be protected from dust. Dust can cause bacterial infections.
  • Stay away from computers, Phones and Tablets and laptops.
  • Do not do work on electrical devices for excessive hours.
  • Brightness of your phone, computer and tablet should be low.And working distance should be 25 cm to 30 cm.
  • Blink your eyes more during work.this will keep your cornea wet otherwise it will dry up and may cause blindness.
  • Take Breaks:Everybody knows that tired eyes can cause headache, fatigue and decreased productivity.So breaks are very necessary during work in office or during studying.
  • Use Vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables like Oranges, Peaches, Strawberries, Tomatoes and Red Bell Peppers- help support blood vessels in eyes and may reduce the risk of cataract. Carrots are rich in carotene can help to improve your vision.
  • Avoid Fast food:  Fast food can cause obesity and you become over weighted, Being over weight or obese can increase risk of developing Diabetes and others such systemic conditions than can lead to vision loss, Diabetes eye disorder or glaucoma.

Primary Eye Care

Primary Eye Care Primary Eye Care Reviewed by Arif ATCO on 12:36 Rating: 5

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