How To Paint New Walls Effectively

How To Paint New Walls Effectively

painting a wall is a technical process if care is not taken it may badly effect the beauty of order to have a good looking paint follow the following procedures.

New Surface must be clean, dry and free from masonry salts. 
Remove all defective material by rubbing down using abrasive paper and remove the dust with some cloth. treat any area affected by mould, lichens, algae . fill the uneven surface with putty with putty applicator. Scuff the surface with sand paper and dust off after applying the putty.
 For large holes and cracks,use sand and cement mixture. Allow it to dry.

After surface preparation, apply 2 or more coats of paint. 2 to 3 hours should be given to get dry each coat.
                   Note (stir the paint before use)

How To Paint New Walls Effectively

How To Paint New Walls Effectively How To Paint New Walls Effectively Reviewed by Arif ATCO on 02:32 Rating: 5

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